Program Providers
Program Provider (or Independent Program Provider, or Third-Party Provider, or simply Provider) is an institution or organization that offers education abroad program services to students from a variety of institutions. A program provider may be a college or university, a non-profit organization, a for-profit business, or a consortium.
Texas State University is proud to send hundreds of students abroad every year to various places around the world to achieve their educational goals.
Criteria for New Program Providers
Before entering a contract with Texas State University, the following criteria must be satisfied by providers:
- Must be an established organization with a minimum of three years' experience in the field.
- Must have a minimum of three professional references.
- Must register as a vendor through the Texas State vendor self-serice portal by August 1st for the next years' programs.
Providers agree and abide by the following conditions during a partnership with Texas State University:
- Must be fully vetted by the Education Abroad Office by July 1st for the next years' programs.
- Must maintain timely professional communication with Texas State by returning correspondence within two to three business days.
- Must meet all requirements of the State of Texas regarding electronic and information technology with respect to students with disabilities. Providers using a portal for faculty or student applications must be in complete compliance with this requirement. Other providers must adapt documentation.
- Must agree to the terms and conditions specified in the contract required by Texas State University.
- Must restrict financial obligations to those outlined in the fully executed contract. Texas State University shall not be financially obligated for transactions outside the agreed upon payment terms in the fully executed contract.
Please complete the application and provide all required information by July 1st (for program to be offered next year).
If you have any questions regarding university vendors' processes, visit our FAQs.