Financial Opportunities

The cost of education abroad varies among different programs based on the cost associated with traveling to a specific location, the duration of the program, the sponsoring institution, etc. The good news is that there are several financial resources available to you; you just need to dedicate some time to inquire about your options.

You will find important information about some of the financial resources that may be available to you. Please be aware that eligibility requirements for the different options presented may vary, and several of these resources do not extend to education abroad tuition and fees. 


Please be aware that the Education Abroad office is here to support you and guide you but cannot answer detailed questions regarding the type of financial aid students are eligible for, disbursement dates, etc. 

Financial Aid

While participating in an Education Abroad program, students are eligible to use their TXST financial aid as long as they meet all eligibility requirements. It is strongly recommended that you discuss your situation with TXST Financial Aid and Scholarships.


Other specific education abroad funding opportunities are also available to students participating in an Education Abroad program within and outside Texas State University.


Think ahead and budget your education abroad programs with the below document.