IEFS Follow-on Service Projects

Requirements for IEFS Follow-on Service Projects

The Follow-on Service Project gives International Education Fee (IEF) Scholars the chance to give back to Texas State by inspiring others to pursue their own education abroad experience. To help expand the impact of the IEF Scholarship Program, all IEF Scholars are required to complete a Follow-on Service Project to help promote international education at Texas State University. 

Once IEF Scholars have completed their education abroad programs and are back in Texas, students must sign up for their Follow-on Service Projects during the first two weeks of the semester at Texas State via the student portal in Canvas (please note that students will be added to the Canvas site once they accept the award). 

A hold may be placed on the student's record and may be required to return the IEFS funds for IEF Scholars who do not complete their projects as required. 

The IEF Scholars must select one of the listed below alternatives for the Follow-on Service Project and submit the project via Assignment Tap. 

Three Alternatives as Follow-on Service Project


IEF Scholars may present in at least one class, event, or student organization of their choice regarding their experience abroad. Scholars must submit the IEFS Follow-on Service Project Form signed by the person in charge of such event within three months of their return to Texas State. The form can be found at the Texas State Education Abroad website. Please consider the following suggestions: 


  • Introduce yourself indicating your travel experience prior to your Education Abroad program 
  • Share what motivated you to study abroad


  • Indicate the following:  
    • type of program (affiliated, exchange or faculty-led) 
    • the location(s)
    • semester studied abroad
    • academic field 


  • Talk about the activities included in your program 
  • Share what you learned, what you like the most about your experience 
  • Show photos and share recommendations 


  • Talk about how you funded your experience and how to apply for the IEFS 
  • Refer students to the Education Abroad website 

Photo Submission

IEF Scholars may submit photos that best illustrate their experience abroad. The photos must comply with the following: 

  • Photos must have been taken by the IEF Scholars while on an approved Texas State Education Abroad program. 
  • IEF Scholars must appear in the photo. 
  • Photos must be appropriate for viewing by all ages. All photos submitted should adhere to the ethics of cultural sensitivity. If recognizable people are portrayed, the subjects must have given the photographer permission or "informed consent" to have the photograph taken. 
  • Photos involving alcohol will not be accepted 
  • A minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 good resolution photos per student may be submitted; color or black-and-white photos will be accepted. 
  • All photos may be reproduced or displayed by Texas State University. The photos may appear in print and electronic publications, including but not limited to Texas State publications, marketing materials, and on various Texas State websites and social media networks. 

Volunteer Service

IEFS award recipients may assist Education Abroad by providing logistical or administrative support. Within the first two months after arrival to Texas State, students will need to contact Education Abroad and sign up to assist for two consecutive hours during the semester. Depending on the student's schedule and assistance needed, some students may support Education Abroad in promotional efforts as well as administrative or logistical duties such as posting signs around the campus, collating brochures, etc.